Means to Become Mindful of Yourself
LIke Carrying 3 Eggs in One Hand
Mindfulness is a personal technique that goes back thousands of years and frees you from the constant monologue going on inside. It utilises what modern science calls our self reflexive consciousness. You know that part of you that just noticed the thought you just had?
And that part of you can free you from reacting to every little thing that happens in your life. From judging, blaming or critising, and from feeling down or being overly excited. All of which inevitably lead to the roller coaster of ups and downs in life
With this freedom comes inner peace, control and real power. The power to make choices and to no longer be a pawn to your habituated patterns of behaviour. As well as the power to
tap into your intuition... and much much more
Mindfulness in the Workplace
Contact SoulFarmer for Mindfulness in the Workplace programs for groups & individuals
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"Our greatest battle lies within. Win this battle and you're free”
Tom Kelsall
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Join the SoulFarm Member Forum for free information, including...

"8 Communication Mistakes & How to Avoid Them" (2 page guide)


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"What's Normal?" [8 min]
There is a myth in society about what are normal levels of thoughts, feelings and happiness


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"Happiness as a Habit" [1:57 min]
We reap the rewards of the seeds we plant ... what habits are you planting?


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"The Minds Eye" [5:44 min]
How do we really perceive our world? What if our mind causes the world to look a certain way?


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"The Minds Eye and the Unconscious Mind" [3 min]
How our mind makes up stories for what it sees, after the event!