Living & Working Meaningfully
To Engage in Work-Life with Passion & Inspiration
Fearlessly Presenting - Be Yourself, Be Free!
"Loved it. I give Tom a big pat on the back. Life changing" Abby, StyleTread
How many people do you know who can't wait to go to work because they just love what they do? If you are one of the lucky few, that is absolutely fantastic. And if you're not, as I wasn't for many years, then this is your chance

And if you're a leader, wanting to create a team or a business that truly leads and inspires its people, then this is your chance to empower and engage them
In the workshop discover the secrets of those lucky few who love their work because they actually know what it means to them. We'll create an opportunity for you and your people to explore the frontiers of their minds and discover the treasures of engagement through finding the intersection of their highest meanings and best performance. In that way the Living & Working Meaningfully Workshop is the very treasure map that will lead you and your people there!
For People, Teams and Enthusiastic Companies
How would it be to find out fully and completely what puts you and your people in the zone of quality, enjoyment and success?
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Join the SoulFarm Member Forum for free information, including...

"8 Communication Mistakes & How to Avoid Them" (2 page guide)


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Click to read more about Living & Working Meaningfully Workshop


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Did you know you, me and everyone is a Meaning Maker? Truly. Read more here


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Levels of Meaning and examples of companies at these different levels

Video [2:45 min]

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Watch testimonial from Mark Rowland, CEO Styletread, Aust. biggest online shoe store