Attitudinal Profiling
To Understand What Motivates and Engages
Confidently Communicating Naturally Empowers You to be a Great Leader!
"We see and hear what people do and yet we never really know why they do it - until now"
Tom Kelsall
SoulFarmer uses an online questionnaire that allows you, your staff, teams or potential recruits to profile the thinking styles that naturally motivates their patterns of behaviour, and ultimately their performance
This is dramatically different to other tools you may of heard of like Disc & MBTI which only focus on behaviour and competencies as a typology, or being fixed, putting people "in a box".
SoulFarmer profiling goes beyond this using a system called iWAM that focuses on the motivators of behaviour which is fundamental for identifying the real drivers of people success and organisational engagement.
So what can you do with this information?
SoulFarmer works with organisations to profile new recruits for attitudinal fit, with partners to resolve conflict and re-align their work relationship, with leaders to understand their leadership style and overcome limitations and with teams to develop relationships, performance and cultural fit. Beyond this, SoulFarmer profiling is an invaluable tool for providing objective feedback in performance reviews, as well as exit interviews to support people out of the organisation while managing your reputation as an employer.
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Join the SoulFarm Member Forum for free information, including...

"8 Communication Mistakes & How to Avoid Them" (2 page guide)

What is iWAM?

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Click to read and find out more about iWAM and what to expect at the debrief

Meta Programs

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Read what Meta Programs are and how they are fundamental to our thinking styles

Compare Tools

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This diagram shows where iWAM and other tools sit compared to what drives behaviour

Sample Report

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See one of the unique styles of iWAM reporting that compares Meta Programs
"The iWAM process was good but it was Tom's prodding and insights which has opened my eyes to some areas that I think will make significant improvements" CEO, Sydney Australia